Friday 7 March 2008


There is a real phase at the moment among Pakistani girls of sending encouraging and prewritten text messages around. This is one I received earlier:
‘BEAUTIFUL people reflect ALLAH in their lives. They think his thoughts, speak his words and love without reason. May you remain a beautiful person always!’
These gems of grace make me smile and are part of the reason I want to stay in this beautiful country even when there is unbelievable human brutality.

We still do not know why Plan was attacked, but it was well planned and their target was clearly an International NGO, which just changes everything (as NGOs have not previously been a target in this area). The Director and another MIED guy came down the other day and it was really great seeing them – they seemed quite optimistic for the future, which is good. But they both went to the Plan Office after the attack so it was harrowing talking to them. No decisions have been made yet, so it looks like I’ll be in Islamabad for a little longer. The uncertainty has been bad – it was horrible saying goodbye to MIED people in Gilgit and not knowing whether I am going to see them again. And I am not going to be allowed back to Mansehra so my life there is at an end.

But anyway, that is enough misery – I want to tell all about my trip to Gilgit cos it was so amazing and I want to make you all jealous! The journey to Gilgit is up the Karakoram Highway (the name is slightly misleading, don’t imagine a motorway, imagine the smallest and bendiest mountain road you’ve ever been on). But anyway the road takes you up through Battagram (where there have been bombs against NGOs), through Besham (outlying region of Swat where there is army action) and Indus Kohistan (tribal and bandit country). Pretty exciting (though was slightly nervous before going)! The road was built throughout the 1960s and 1970s as a partnership between China and Pakistan, as it goes all the way from Islamabad to Kashgar in China, and it is also known as the China – Pakistan friendship highway. It is 1300km long and one person died for every kilometre in its construction because it goes through such treacherous terrain, particularly the valley of the Indus.

We were meant to leave at 6 in the morning but we actually left Mansehra about 7am. The first part of the journey up to Battagram passed in a bit of a haze cos I was still quite sleepy. But we had breakfast in Battagram which woke me up. Battagram in many senses looked like a normal Pakistani town, but the one major thing that stood out was that there were NO women on the streets. It was a town full of men.

So after Battagram we joined the river Indus at Thakrot - it was very exciting seeing the Indus for the first time. We followed the Indus up through Allai, which was breathtakingly beautiful.
MIED had a project in Allai but I wasn’t allowed to visit (Allai is next to Shangla where there is army action). The project has been completed now though. So we carried on up through Besham, another town with no women around. We stopped and I got off the bus to stretch my legs hoping that I wouldn’t stand out (seeing that so many people have told me I look Pakistani and I had completely covered my head). But as there were no other women around I did stand out slightly!
We then carried on and passed into Indus Kohistan. This was a huge area – we spent the best part of the journey travelling through this area – it must have been about seven or eight hours. The scenery was spectacular – the road was cleaved out of the hard granite rocks that towered above us, and on the other side there was a steep drop to the river Indus.
We stopped off for lunch at Dasu, the major town, and then a couple of hours later for chai in what must be known as KKH style service station. There was a wooden construction with people selling tea, some wooden beds for exhausted drivers to collapse on, and a stream had been diverted where people could wash their hands and faces. I wandered off a little bit and a little boy came up to me and started talking to me. I couldn’t understand what he was saying, and told myself he must have been speaking Kohistani cos I would have definitely understood had he been speaking Urdu :). But one of the guys from MIED came up and said he had been asking whether I was Muslim, and he said yes. But the little boy said I couldn’t have been as my face wasn’t covered. The boy can’t have been more than 6.

Driving through the towering rocks at dusk was kind of spooky – with the lengthening shadows and the mountains and granite rocks close all around us it was really quite a threatening landscape. But we still had miles to travel after nightfall, and I was disappointed because it meant that when we drove past Nanga Parbat (one of the highest mountains in the world) and the place where the Karakoram, Hindu Kush and Himalayas meet I wasn’t able to see anything.

We finally got to Gilgit at 11 o’clock. The little coaster had done us very well and it was only towards the end when we stopped for a break it wouldn’t start again and had to be pushed a little. We then had dinner at about midnight at the centre in Gilgit and I was shattered.

So, that ends the epic trek up the KKH. Adventures in Gilgit and Hunza, as well as the reason why I went to Gilgit, will follow shortly…….

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear George - I am only just getting round to updating myself with your blog after our holiday (a month ago!!) but in the interim we have been firmly praying for you and asking the Lord to keep you safe. Avril also did this in church intercessions a couple of weeks ago. You are amazing with your detailed accounts of what you have been doing - they are fascinating and this is an experience that you should record more permanently one day. In the meantime we will be looking for further news of you and what the plans for the future are in the light of all the uncertainty in Pakistan. You are much thought about and prayed for, so do keep the blogs coming so that we can pass the news around. Much love to you from us both
Peter and Ruth