Tuesday 26 February 2008

I realise that I have been very lax in updating my blog, so the other day I was starting to plan what to say – all about my two trips to Islamabad, the elections, and my visit to Gilgit (where I am now). But two days ago there was an attack on the Plan Pakistan office in Mansehra, and four people died. A group of men attacked and shot people in the compound and the whole office was burnt down. The people I am with are completely shocked. I can’t believe that this has happened. We don’t have any clue why Plan was attacked.

Corry has been evacuated to Islamabad, and I will be going there after leaving Gilgit. What is going to happen now – with Plan, MIED, and VSO security advice, is very unclear at the moment.

The mountains of Gilgit take my breath away every time I go outside. It is odd being in such a beautiful place and trying to reconcile this beauty with such human brutality.

1 comment:

Polly said...


I really hope you are ok. Let me know how things are by email.

Take care

Polly xx